Saturday, July 7, 2012

HOW TO : Keep Your Plants Watered With Paper Towels

You love your plants right! but Are you going on a long vacation? When you come back, you see your plants have dried up. The sight is so sad! But, if you are a reader, you will have options
to enjoy your vacation without worrying about watering your plants. Find the technique mentioned below to keep your plants watered using Paper towels.

Yes, the same you use to wipe your face, it will come handy keep your plants watered for days. Its, here how you can do:

As you can see in this image above, you will have to do the following things:

You will require: 

You will require following things :

  • Long paper towels

  • Glass full of water
How to Do:

Simply roll up some paper towels as tight as possible without them breaking, dunk the ends in a glass of water. Well-spread the other end of the towel over the soil of the plant. This is very simple technique

How it works: 

The paper towels will absorb the water from the glass and spread it evenly over the soil. The key is to make sure the end of the paper towel is as deep in the glass as possible to ensure adequate watering. The deeper the better.

Your Views: 

Did you like it? You can try this at home and save your plants from getting dry and dead. You can even use it on daily basis if you do not get time to water your plants daily.

Share your views in comments! :)