Saturday, March 16, 2013

HOW TO: Save Electricity at home

ELECTRICITY is the most important and most used thing in today's world or also should i say the most WASTED. Here we will discuss how we can save electricity by changing small habits at home.

1.Mobile Charging: When we charge our cell phones there is always an indication given when the battery is full. Also in most of the phones there comes a notification of switching it off and removing the charger from the socket. Though indicated many people dont follow it. If this will be followed much amount of electricity can be saved.

2. Ironing Clothes: When we start ironing our clothes, first we make sure that the iron is hot enough after which we start ironing. This can consume lot of energy if a single cloth is ironed everytime. Instead we suggest to iron a ive bulk of clothes at one go. This will save much electricity, since you will not have to wait for the iron to get hot everytime.

3. Keeping Unnecessary Appliances ON: This one is the worst habit of many people. In most of the houses there will be atleast 3-5 electrical appliances ON even if they are not being used. Computer,laptop on sleep mode, printer, wi-fi router ON although not in use, mosquito machine ON till late in the morning, Mixer, washing machine, oven, microwave ON from the socket. If this habit is improved your bill will surely be much less next month.

4. Forgetting things ON: Above we talked how we keep things ON, here we will see about things that we forget to switch off. First and foremost lights and fans, these two are the most comman things people forget to switch off. Next will be shower lights, exhaust fans and geyser in the bathroom. Sometimes we even keep the television on mute and get up to do some work and we forget it is ON. Remembering to switch off these appliances will save a big amount of electricity.
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