Sunday, April 7, 2013

HOW TO : Reduce Use of Plastic and Save Environment

Few days ago, India's leading newspaper daily, Times of India, published a report on amount of plastic waste India is generating.
"India is Sitting on the Plastic Time Bomb" - Supreme Court of India 

On reading this article, we thought to present an article on giving you tips to reduce use of plastic and our daily life dependencies on it. We can thereby save our environment.

We made a list of some things with which  we can easily substitute it and use some other things which are environment friendly.

1.Use of Glass bottles in Softdrinks:

Do not use plastic bottles and try to maximize the use of glass bottles in softdrinks. This way, you can surely beat your thirst and save environment as well.

2. Re-use ball-point pens to reduce plastic:

It is easy to reuse ball point pens and just change the refill everytime. Discourage use of use-and-throw cheap ball point pens. Use refill pens to save environment.

3.Use of Steel/Copper water bottles:

How about using steel or copper water bottles in your house instead of plas-tic bottles. Guess what, drinking water kept in copper water bottles can help you heal from many diseases. Why not gain that advantage at least.  If not for environment, do it for your health :)

4. Use of Cloth Bags than Polyethene bags:

Why not switch to stronger cloth bags which can be easily stitched in your home from old cloth without any cost! Avoid use of plastic bags while in shopping. Encourage shop keepers to provide paper bags than plastic bags and help save environment.

These are some basic areas where we can reduce use of plastic or we can totally replace plastic to help save environment. We are worried and we are planning to shift to more environment friendly products to use instead of plastic.
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