Saturday, July 20, 2013

HOW TO : Avoid Traffic Jams in Your City

The most frustrating scene ever i see is Traffic Jams enroute to my office. I hate traffic jams and so do we all. The route to my office remains jammed most of the time during peak hours but i always reach
office on time. How? Through intelligent traffic monitoring.

How to Monitor Traffic Jams?

Traffic monitoring can be done sitting in your home, right from your mobile handset or from your PC.  You do not require any software to install on your PC. You do not require any Apps to download on your smartphone.

Things you require:

  • Working Internet Connection

  • A Browser

Steps to Monitor Traffic Jams and Plan:

Step 1: Open any browser in your PC/Mobile Phone

Step 2: Open

Step 3: Search on Google: Traffic on <Road Name>

For example, I regularly travel on Western Express Highway in Mumbai, so i will type Traffic on Western Express Highway. Below is the screenshot of the search query:

As you can see my route is jammed. So what does above color code means?

1. Black/Red: Road is Completely Blocked

2. Red: Traffic is moving slow

3. Yellow: Traffic is moving fast

4. Green: Road is unclogged and traffic is very fast.

So How do you plan now?

Using Google Maps, select alternate route to your office and again use traffic indicator as shown above to know the traffic on that route:

External Resources: 

Incase you hate searching for every day traffic jams, you can also get daily SMS alerts or Email alerts on your daily travel route by using paid service of They also offer Google like Traffic density for free on their website for selected cities of India.

Hope this post helps you in tracking the traffic on your route and also help you plan accordingly so that you are never late to your destination.

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